The following testimonials are from individuals who were mentored by Counselor Dahlia throughout the years. For the sake of identity purposes, these individuals names are not given.
By K.S
“When she speaks, she has something worthwhile to say, and she always says it kindly. (Proverbs 31:26)". It has been about four years since I met Dahlia in 2020, after she was introduced to FMBC Chosen Generation Youth Ministry here in New Providence, and it has indeed been a very enriching and influential encounter for me since. Since entering my teenage years, I have always had strong, dedicated, and God-fearing women surrounding me that I have admired, and throughout the years I have known Dahlia, she has become one of the youngest women filled with wisdom that I appreciate who’ve entered my life. With my parents going through a divorce, in addition to sitting national and international examinations, sometimes I found it difficult being that fifteen- or sixteen-year-old learning how to cope and adapt to family matters and a global pandemic. Although it didn’t reflect in my behavior or attitude, I became overwhelmed, drained, and sometimes depressed due to the circumstances. But Dahlia became that listening ear who reassured me in a non-judgmental and comforting tone during our Friday night rides after Youths. For that, I am grateful for being able to express myself comfortably to someone who instilled in me life principles that I cherish and abide by, growing into a young adult within the four years I have known her. Sathya Sai Baba states that “good company is important; it helps to cultivate good qualities.” Dahlia Williamson demonstrates “good company” being important, as she played a role in cultivating my leadership skills and spiritual journey. “
By V.J
“What can I say? Words can’t describe on the intelligence, support and enthusiasm that Dahila gives to me. She an incredible listener, and not just that but a realist. Through her advice and insight that she gives, it opens you to a different perspective on how to deal with tough decisions and situations. Her faith, trust and hope in God is something that is so admirable. She uses biblical contexts to help guide you through real world experiences. And I’m still amazed of how she can do that. She’s really ONE in a million. When I was in the most darkest place in my life, it was mentors like Dahila who spent hours talking me through those moments. She pushed me out of a place where I felt that I had no one. And I will forever be grateful for her continuing guidance and support. “
By L.K
“When I first met Dahlia I was very lost in Christ trying to find my way , unaware of who I was , unaware of my potential . Meeting Dahlia was literally my blessing in disguise . She has mentored me in many ways . She has helped me through situations that I thought I wouldn’t be able to overcome . When it was time for me to branch off and be a butterfly. Dahlia continued to be a helping hand and a support when I needed , Constantly checking through messaging or calling to ensure that I wasn’t stagnant in my journey . I am truly blessed for encountering this amazing woman of God , a woman strong in her faith and helping people find their purpose in life . She has truly been a blessing in my life and I thank God for connecting me with such a strong minded , purpose driven and passion filled woman .”